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KickWin is a football event management application designed to make organizing football matches and teams in your local area an easy, trouble-free, and smooth task.

Are you an amateur player?

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Games & matches

Teams & groups


Create games and tournaments

We provide a great game organizing experience by offering accessible, sociable football and by actively building communities connecting people who share the same passion for football! Get your game on with this football event management app that will help you fire-up your game and bring your football team together like a shot!


Games & matches

Teams & groups


Create games and tournaments

We provide a great game organizing experience by offering accessible, sociable football and by actively building communities connecting people who share the same passion for football! Get your game on with this football event management app that will help you fire-up your game and bring your football team together like a shot!

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Get the ball rolling

Kickwin is your personal assistant that helps you run your football events and team, rent a pitch, organize matches and even find football tournaments happening near you.

If you don’t have a specific team in mind and still want to play, you can simply start by creating an announcement for a football game or joining a game that already exists. Tap into your curious side and explore other events, look for other players, and follow live scores of other tournaments and games. You can absolutely add a gallery to your profile to keep track on your favorite events and teams.

Keep track of all stats and live scores of games and events. Enter your own scores and follow rankings and game results. Get notified about game-related news and we’ll make sure we let you know about available football matches that fit your profile and fit your schedule. You can also chat with other players and share images of the game.


Game planned ahead

With KickWin, scheduling is made easier. If you have your own people ready for a match, then you can plan your game with your friends and teammates. Invite players and create your own team. You can join an available team that you like at all times. Together with your team, you will be able to join a tournament. If it is a one-time thing and you’d like to only find a team to compete with, you can always create an announcement for your game.

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